Saturday, April 18, 2009

The government needs hackers...;_ylt=AtTA5wRwa3_WQETd_n2Qpx8jtBAF

The government recently conducted an in house study and the outcome wfas not so good. The government concluded that there are faults in the cyber security at the Pentagon. The government wants to hire hackers to come in and help point out flaws in the security. If a cyber attack does take place it could threaten the power grid, stock markets, and nuclear launch codes.
This is an uneasy thought to think about. Imagine a hacker, somewhere over seas, getting all of the credit card and tax information about everyone in the United States. It is scary to know that as of right now, that is possible.
I think its a great idea by the government to hire hackers into the Pentagon to help them better secure the nation's cyberspace. The government should be extremely careful about who they hire though. I know that the hackers will have an extensive background check and everything like that, but still. What if they were from a foreign nation, trying to obtain information about the United States internal operations.
It is nice to know that the government is trying to protect us and our information. They really need to be careful about who they choose though.

Friday, April 10, 2009

MTI robot is now a gardener

The research staff at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have done it again. The research team has designed a robot that will actually water your garden when the plants need watered. It is a complicated process, but I think it is extremely interesting. The way it works is that the plants are also hooked up to computers that send a signal to the robot when they are low on water. Then, the robot will come to that plant and spray a mist of water towards the sensor that sent the signal.
I think this is a stupid idea because it takes the point out of having a garden. Gardening is the number one hobby in America. If you have a robot do it, then what is the point of having a garden in the first place.
On the other hand, it is a great achievement in technology. It is really cool how we have advanced technology far enough to the point where we can have a robot actually tend to us. There is a growing trend in America where we are slowly stopping daily tasks and turning them over to robots. For example, we now have robots that will vacuum the floors and different robots that will cut your grass.
I think that America needs to stop with the robots and start doing work themselves.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Wikipedia is the new Brittinaca

Wikipedia and New York are not too different after all. This articles compares Wikipedia to any metropolis in the world saying that, like any big city, Wikipedia has many different languages, much diversity, and rules also. For example, people don't vandalize buildings everyday they walk around the city. Vandalism happens but it is rare because of the laws enforced by the police. Just like on Wikipedia, when people vandalize, the "police" correct it within a short amount of time. But above the police and Wikipedian police, most people just have common courtesy.
I think that Wikipedia will soon become an excellent resource. They have covered almost every article in the English Language. They are soon running out of things to write about. The best part about Wikipedia is that it is constantly updated with new and up to date information. Unlike other encyclopedias, such as print ones, Wikipedia can have an article about an event that happened yesterday.
I think that as soon as Wikipedia finishes all the bugs and kinks with the posts and editing, it will become one of the best encyclopedias ever. I, personally, think it is a great resource, and a great starting point for any information you may need. I hope Wikipedia continues to grow and become bigger and better.