Thursday, January 22, 2009

G.E Invests in New Wind Technology

General Electric, one of the largest companies in the world, has decided to invest $20 million in a company called TPI which manufacturers wind turbines. This investment by G.E is a huge step in the right direction by a company of it's size.
The company showed serious concern by donating that amount of money. The company did not have to do it but they wanted to showed that they actually did care about the environment. Their new "Ecomagination" program is designed to start moving the manufacturing industry towards a "green" future. This is particularly important in America today where we pollute heavily and do barely anything to replenish the environment. Also, with the American economy in the shape it's in, this new program is an excellent oppurtunity to create jobs for many.
I think the program is a great idea respect General Electric for doing something like this. It it not only going to be good for the enviroment but also for the economy, and job market too. The program seems to benefit everyone.
Hopefully, other big companies recognize what G.E is doing and jump on the bandwagon. If three or four other companies the size of G.E take the same initiative, it has the potential to start a "green" revolution. If something along the lines of a "green" revolution doesn't take place sometime soon, we might be in trouble as a planet.

1 comment:

  1. It may be a smart business decision for GE too. If wind technology is perfected enough that it can be used on a larger-scale, GE might find themselves in a good position to capitalize on it. It's good to see companies making this kind of commitment. New "green" technologies will never take off without both consumer support and company investments.
